Who is Inner Garden?
Inner Garden Wellness is a small business that centers around the roles that nature, kitchen medicine, and connection play in the human experience.
We make artisanal ghee and other organic wellness products infused with lots of love, intention, and medicine. Our mission is to inspire people to view food as medicine, to connect with nature as a pillar of wellness, and to lovingly tend to their inner world like they would a garden. Our founder strives to weave her North Indian heritage, traditional healing modalities, and ancestral wisdom into modern day living through Inner Garden Wellness’ offerings.
Hi, I’m Jaskrit.
I started Inner Garden as a way for me to integrate all of my interests into one cohesive project. I was born in New Delhi, India and raised in Southern California for the majority of my life. I had my fair share of mental and physical health struggles growing up, and my life finally changed when I turned inwards to address the root cause of these issues. Thus began my healing journey that brought me to where I am today.
I am a certified yoga instructor and meditation facilitator, permaculture designer, California Naturalist, and currently a student of herbal medicine, nutrition, and field botany. My passion lies both in the kitchen and in the great outdoors. I see both of these places as deeply intertwined and extremely catalytic in our healing. As a plant nerd, food lover, and wellness enthusiast, Inner Garden Wellness is my passion project through which I hope to channel the wisdom of my ancestors and the magic in connecting to our inner garden with the world.
Thank you for joining me on this journey, and remember to tend your inner world like you would a garden.